My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Blurring the lines between the real and unreal, Gaiman offers up almost no advice on how to talk to girls at parties, but instead explores the awkwardness of being a teen in social situations. Definitely the strangest thing that I have read this year.
The tale was originally a short story, and in the edition I read, has been beautifully adapted into a short graphic novel by Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá. The otherworldy illustrations and yellow tinted colour pallette really enhance the real/unreal vibe of the story. If you can find this edition I definitely recommend it!
The plot is simple, our protagonist is a awkward 15 year old, reluctantly his way to a party with his more confident friend. At the party he moves from one room to another attempting to engage the girls he finds there in conversation. But he can’t seem to understand the alien things they are saying!
I love that this story can be taken as a quirky sci-fi or as a play on just how alien girls feel to teenage boys.
It’s not a long story, but combined with the illustrations it’s such a fun read and I recommend it to Gaiman fans and lovers of graphic novels.